Can I add participants after registration?  

At the start of the tournament, you must register the players on the player list. If there is a need to update the team roster with a new name (e.g., due to an injury), the tournament management can grant permission for this.

What is the registration fee?  

  A summary of all fees can be found under the Participation fees  section.  

Which days will the matches be played?  

The tournament will take place from August 7-10, 2025, with the following age groups playing on the respective days:

Thursday, 7 August : Girls/Boys U15

Friday, 8 August : Girls/Boys U14

Saturday, 9 August : Girls/Boys U13, U11, U9 and U7

Sunday, 10 August : Girls/Boys U12, U10, U8 and U6

When and where do we eat? What food is served? How do I add special dietary requirements for my team?  

For teams who have booked accommodation, meals will be served at the school where they are staying or at a nearby school kitchen. Special dietary requirements must be submitted in advance by logging in and registering them under your team's registration.  

Do we receive prizes?  

11 vs 11 (U15):  Trophy for winners of the A- and B-finals, medals for finalists

9 vs 9 (U13-U14):  Trophy for winners of the A- and B-finals, medals for finalists

In other categories, medals are awarded to all participants.  

Where do I register as a referee for the cup?  

We gladly accept applications from referees. You can register here or if you want more information send an email to